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Sinna, Simone - Icebreaker (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour) Read online

Page 9

  “Then I will let you come.”

  Sandwiched between Steve and Connell, Sienna let her world for this moment hold nothing else. Connell leant forward and kissed her, soft wet lips and tongue darting, as Steve’s gentle thrusts reminded her how very much he owned her in this moment. The mixture of pain, or rather now discomfort, of being taken as she had never had been before, and Connell’s gentleness helped her oscillate between moments of being sure she would come and others where she restrained herself, delighting in the experience.

  “Come,” her Master commanded on the peak of a wave when she didn’t think she could bear it a minute longer, and she without question followed his instructions. Both men moaned as they experienced her muscles spasming over Connell’s cock, her enjoyment as well as her rocking seeming to add to their pleasure. Neither came though, tempering their pace. Sienna felt the waves of the orgasm and let herself go with them, her thoughts and physical sensations blurring so that all the sensations, from all of her senses, came together in one moment. After she wasn’t sure she would have been able to stand up by herself, but propped between her men she was able to lie back against Steve, safe and cared for.

  “How many more times can you come my gorgeous sub?” Steve whispered in her ear, biting suddenly hard, and jolting her out of a post-orgasm glow.

  “How many times would you like me to, Master?”

  Steve eased out from behind her without answering the question. Connell did likewise, as Steve removed her mask. Blinking into the dim light she saw Connell in front of her, grinning somewhat sheepishly. His cock was less embarrassed, long and glistening with her juices.

  “Connell is going to lie down on the table,” said Steve, “and then you will lower yourself over him.”

  Sienna watched Connell do as his half brother had told him, while Steve behind her massaged her nipples, pinching them as he released her. As she climbed on the table she kneeled over Connell. She took his cock in her hands, gently rubbing it, looking into Connell’s eyes as she did. He appeared as mesmerized as she was. Perhaps Steve had put a spell on them both. If so she hoped it didn’t wear off anytime soon. Lowering herself down, she put the edge of his cock between her pussy lips, and part pushed and part sucked him into her. Connell groaned in pleasure.

  “Enjoy,” Steve said, “but do not come yet.”

  Enjoying was easy. Sienna closed her eyes and let her mind free up. She rocked her hips in response to Connell’s obvious increasing pleasure. Arching her back she suddenly felt Steve behind her, kneeling between Connell’s legs and taking her breasts in his hands.


  “Yes Master.”

  He pinched her nipples hard.

  “Still good?”

  “Yes Master.”

  “Lean forward.”

  She did as she was bidden, staring into Connell’s eyes as she settled onto all fours over him. She felt Steve’s cock hard against her, and gasping, she felt him enter her ass. This time while it was still initially uncomfortable, this passed almost immediately and the pleasure of again having both men inside her and taking her, sent her physically and mentally to a different level. All her nerves appeared suddenly on edge.

  “Now my love,” said Steve, “we can all come.”

  Sienna found herself focusing her muscles on Connell’s cock. Pinned beneath her he had less capacity to move, though her certainly managed to gyrate his hips into her. But Steve’s energy was soon such that his need of her, and the feeling of his cock in and out of her ass, sent waves of frantic nervous activity throughout her pelvis. She heard Connell moaning and knew he was coming. This set off her own orgasm and moments later Steve too released. As the last tingling remnant of the feelings swept through her, Sienna just wanted to be owned by them forever, and she reveled in the experience of total surrender and release and for now nothing else mattered.

  * * * *

  When Sienna woke the next morning it took her a few moments to orientate herself. She was alone in one of Steve’s beds, but the memory of last night was strong. The bedside clock said ten a.m. Not surprising, given that it had been after three a.m. before they had all fallen asleep.

  Pinch me, I must be dreaming. Had last night really happened? She was staring at the ceiling when she heard a noise and looked up to see Connell and Steve standing in the doorway. Yes, it had happened. Steve was wearing a black robe tied loosely at the waist and coffee in hand, with a smile of the cat that got the cream. Connell had a red towel around his waist and was carrying two cups of coffee, blond hair on end, looking like a sex god.

  Sienna gratefully accepted the coffee and looked up at Steve. Was she still meant to be playing sub? Speaking out of turn and being spanked as punishment sent a delicious tingle through her, but she wasn’t sure she had the energy. Besides there were some serious things to sort out. Like what were these two up to and who had tried to kill her?

  “Coffee and shower first,” said Steve, kissing her forehead. “And then meet us downstairs for a serious talk.”

  * * * *

  “So do you believe her?” Connell asked.

  Steve regarded Connell over his second coffee. He was used to running the show and knew Connell would and did trust Sienna because he wanted to. On gut feeling he agreed with the assessment, but as soon as he had been alerted to a potential problem with Sienna he had organized Kim Story to do a background check. He wanted to trust Sienna, too, but needed to know absolutely. He was falling for her and for him this was no longer just about bringing down DJ. He wanted her for keeps.

  “Yes,” Steve said. “Though she’s known Elle O’Grady all the little bitch’s life, so we need to be mindful of a potential conflict of loyalties.”

  “Found out anything on Heavy Jowl?”

  “He’s still staying at Icebreaker, name Vladimir Sergeiveitch Grekov.”

  Connell frowned. “Who the hell is he?”

  “He knew your father.”

  The two men swiveled around to see Sienna standing in the doorway. Steve found it hard to hide his astonishment. Even Story hadn’t found a connection yet.

  “How do you know?”

  Sienna poured herself another coffee and sat down opposite them. “There’s a picture of him with Richard and Tiffany Crane at some fund-raiser, in the library in Harrietville, You would have been about five,” she said to Connell.

  Connell stiffened. “He’s the one that pushed you down the mountain. Was the photo dated?”

  Sienna nodded. “Nineteen ninety.”

  Steve and Connell exchanged glances. “The winter my father died.”

  “Was it really an accident?” asked Sienna.

  “That,” said Steve, “is what we are trying to work out.”

  “But how come you’re helping Connell?” Sienna asked Steve. “In fact, how come, well, you guys seem to know each other pretty well?”

  The men started laughing.

  “You must have slept through that class,” said Steve.

  Sienna frowned. “Meaning?”

  “Weren’t you meant to be investigating me?” Steve teased.

  “Connell was never mentioned in anything to do with your businesses.”

  “This isn’t exactly business.”

  Sienna frowned.

  “Before Tiffany was married to Richard Crane, and then Draco Jerkovitch,” Steve said, “she was married to my father.”

  * * * *

  Sienna took a deep breath. Shit. Because they had different surnames and looked so different it had never occurred to her they were half brothers. But Steve had Tiffany’s black curls and Connell looked like his father.

  “Don’t feel too bad,” said Connell. “We don’t exactly advertise it. Steve and DJ haven’t spoken to each other in years.”

  “But you’re the golden boy?”

  Connell looked serious. “The guy is a jerk. Best day of my life was when Mum finally left him. After the ski accident, he was all over me like a rash, trying to get Mum to go back to h
im. Thinks she still might. I decided to play along because Steve always thought he had something to do with my dad’s death and though Mum won’t discuss it, she did admit he was a local councilor and had just signed the approval papers for the Snow City site before he died, but after a phone call became very agitated and went to see DJ. She never saw him alive again.”

  “What happened?” asked Sienna, mind racing to work out how Vladimir might have been involved.

  “The official story is he never made it to Icebreaker, where they were supposed to meet. Dad owned it, but he and Mum lived in Beechworth, down the mountain. Mum’s family has wine estates there. There was a storm. Coroner thought he had slipped and fell and hit his head, then died from exposure. No one knew to look for him until the next day. Mum thought he was sleeping there, DJ said he waited half an hour then left when he didn’t turn up.”

  “But you think DJ did meet him?”

  Steve nodded grimly. “The other signature was Harry’s. I got Harry drunk one night and he forgot I was related. Said something like DJ always got what he wanted. Which of course was the building approval for Snow City.”

  Sienna drank a few sips of coffee. “So who rang your father and what did they say?”

  Connell shrugged his shoulders. “No idea. I presume someone casting dispersions on DJ’s character, which opens the field pretty wide.”

  “Harry knows you’re looking into your father’s death,” said Sienna slowly, remembering his comment about “something” being a quarter of a century earlier. “Which means DJ does, too.”

  “And if you’ve been talking to Harry,” said Steve, “then he knows that you are potentially investigating it too.”

  “But does DJ think it is Elle or me?”

  “Elle works for him,” said Connell. “So would her knowing about what happened with my father worry him?”

  “Yes, if he thought she was going to blackmail him.”

  Sienna giggled. “I’m sorry, guys. I know you think Elle is Mata Hari, but if you think I’m incompetent as a PI, honestly, I’m a Marlowe in comparison to her Clouseau.” Not that she quite fancied herself as the sleuth Bogart played, but she could imagine Elle bumbling around like Peter Seller’s Pink Panther detective.

  The men looked doubtful.

  “I’ve thought about this hard. I know her. She’s exasperating, self-centered and flaky. But calculating? Organized? Revengeful? Honestly, her mother is an alcoholic who she cares for and her father is a complete asshole that she still calls Zeus because she thinks he’s a god. Those PI reports? Yeah, I can believe she delivered drugs and money and maybe at some level she did know what was in the packages, but she would have just wanted to ‘help someone out of a tight corner’ or claim ‘it was on my way and I felt sorry for them.’”

  “What did you say?”

  “That she’d just help …”

  “No, no,” Connell interrupted. “What does she call her father?”

  “Zeus.” It had been a long-standing joke with them, ever since the guy had promised to take her out on her thirteenth birthday and never turned up. Elle had boasted he was taking her to the Olympia and when he hadn’t taken her anywhere, Sienna had told her only gods went to Olympia and perhaps he’d meant the Olympics? It had set them off into fits of laughter and when a search on Greek gods came up with Zeus and a good deal of bad behavior gods thought they could get away with, they had decided it was as good a name for this particular asshole, and subsequently any other man they came across that behaved badly.

  “It’s your safe word,” Steve mused.

  “Yes,” said Sienna. “If we said it to the other in a nightclub, it meant we were being hassled and let’s get out.”

  “Zeus,” said Connell slowly, clearly puzzled, “is also the name of DJ’s main nightclub franchise. The one he deals drugs through.”

  Sienna frowned. It had to be a coincidence. Elle met up with DJ as an adult. Zeus was from their teens.

  Steve suddenly jumped up and said he needed to check something. He came back moments later carrying a folder. Sienna recognized it. The file on Elle O’Grady she had seen earlier. Steve rummaged through it.

  “You said her dad was an asshole?”

  “Yes.” Though she had never met him, after all the stories she had heard, she’d have happily given her more than just a piece of her mind for how much he’d mucked with Elle’s head. Constant rejection had left a stunning looking teenager and now woman chronically low in self-esteem, for all the bravado and modeling jobs. To say nothing of how she kept picking losers just like him.

  “Then explain this.” Steve handed her a sheet of paper.

  Sienna skimmed it quickly. Still on Story’s letterhead this sheet was titled family background. She hadn’t looked at this when she’d been in Steve’s office, because she knew all about Elle’s background. Now she took the time to read it and was soon frowning. Finally she put it down and with some degree of satisfaction said, “Story got it wrong.”

  “Got what wrong?”

  “Well, Jimmie O’Grady probably did die drunk and on his own vomit,” said Sienna. “That was before I knew her. But he wasn’t her father.”

  Steve and Connell looked startled. She wondered a little smugly if they’d ask for a refund from Story.

  “From what I can gather,” said Sienna, “Janie, Elle’s mother, was working on the streets. Even when married to Jimmie, who was a bit of a loser. Actually a lot of a loser. Elle’s understanding was Janie had one main client who she was in love with. That is her real father, but he only ever provided sperm and money. Elle hardly ever saw him. I presumed he was married.”

  “Do you know his name?”

  Sienna shook her head. “We called him Zeus.” Then she remembered. “But it might have been George. Because when she started going out with the Georges, I remember her saying something about her dad.”

  “DJ’s middle name is George.”

  Sienna stared. “DJ?” Her mind raced. Could DJ be Elle’s father? She remembered the first George and the limo and how seeing him had quickly become incompatible with being in the police force. Could that have been DJ rather than a boyfriend? Her vague work for him now would fit, because Elle was always after her father’s approval. Sienna tried to rack her brain for every little thing Elle had ever said about him.

  “Elle is the same age as me, twenty-five,” Sienna said slowly. “So her mother would have been pregnant at the time your dad died. Was DJ married then?”

  “No,” said Connell, sounding grim. “But he was there all the time after Dad died, until he finally wore Mum down.”

  “So he could have been in love with her before your father died even.”

  “We considered that as a motive. Tiffany is one of the very few things the jerk does seem to care about. But he would have liked her money, social standing, and Icebreaker, which they owned.”


  “Icebreaker’s land rights were needed to give access to the Snow City car park,” said Connell. “Meant DJ could triple the price on apartments if he could offer underground parking. And then sell Icebreaker to Harry for a pittance as reward for keeping quiet about what happened the night my father was killed.”

  They all looked at each other. DJ had plenty of motives to kill Richard Crane. But how to prove it?

  Chapter Ten

  Kim Story had information by the end of the day. Sienna had gone back to her room to shower and change and went with Connell to High Towers for dinner. She had also used the day to contact Elle, and Connell had gone down to Harrietville to check out the yearbook and see what else he could find out about Vladimir Sergeiveitch Grekov. As Lindsay served them dinner and wine, there was a lot of information to process.

  “DJ is Elle’s father,” Sienna started with. Elle hadn’t exactly said so, but she had got increasingly vague and waved her hands—despite apparently holding the phone in one—as she always did when she didn’t want to answer something.

O’Grady,” Sienna had said severely. “Someone tried to kill me.”

  There was silence.

  “Elle, I think DJ tried to kill me.”

  “He couldn’t. He’s in Lebanon.”

  “He paid someone.”

  “Da…” Elle stopped herself.

  “Were you about to say your dad wouldn’t do that?” Sienna demanded, and though Elle continued to be evasive, it was, Sienna thought, answer enough.

  Vladimir Sergeiveitch Grekov had been one of the guests at the Cranes’ function, but there was nothing else about him in the yearbook. Connell had managed to have a drink with Cheryl by booking the place for a party later in the season, and in doing so found Grekov’s room was being paid for by DJ. Story added to this that he worked in construction.

  “Did his company build Snow City?” Sienna asked, trying to put the pieces together.

  “Don’t think so,” said Steve. “He’s not an owner, he’s a thug, remember.”

  “Then why was he at a charity function?”

  No one had the answer to this, Story’s report included.

  “Let’s recap what we think so far,” said Sienna, needing to get it straight in her mind. “DJ falls for Tiffany as well as wanting what she owns. He wants to build Snow City and needs Richard Crane to sign off on the building permit and on car access. That is going well until someone double-crosses DJ and tells Richard something that means he will stop the building and car park. He ends up dead and DJ gets the girl and the money. Roll on twenty-five years and you guys have smelt a rat and start digging. Harry gets anxious because he knows what really happened. He tells DJ, and mentions that someone called Elle O’Grady is also asking questions and is hanging out with you guys. Let’s say DJ knows it’s not Elle because Harry says I’m five foot four or sends a photo or DJ speaks to Elle in New Zealand, or even if he thinks it is her, knows she’s a loose cannon. He thinks it’s getting dangerous and reactivates Vlad the Impaler, who also knows about your dad because he killed him. He is asked to tie up loose ends. Me, in particular, when he discovers I’m not the real Elle.” Sienna took a breath. “How am I doing?”